Faster and more reliable Internet Connectivity
Internet Connectivity
With more and more of our work and applications being cloud based your internet connectivity is, quite possibly, the most important member of your team.
The country is moving towards a complete fibre infrastructure and the technologies being used now are different to those of 5 years ago. You may be surprised to find out just how much bandwidth and speed you can achieve now.
Faster connectivity means faster work processes, more reliable connectivity is essential if we’re all using cloud based applications.
As you’re no doubt aware the old digital infrastructure is being replaced so there are now, in simple terms, three types of connectivity you can choose from for your business location.
- Fibre Leased Lines
Our team here at Integral can advise on all of these technology types and investigate for you what technologies are available for your site(s) and just how cost effective they can be for you.
Remember, the older ADSL (often referred to as wholesale line rental) products are being switched off soon so there has never been a better time to discuss the newer alternatives available for your business.

Internet Circuit Technologies
SoGEA – FTTP – Leased Line
We no longer provide the “old” version of broadband circuits, these were associated with telephone numbers and were either full copper service (ADSL) or Fibre to the cabinet (FTTC).
The new version of these circuits are called SoTAP & SoGEA and you can have a full copper service or a fibre to the cabinet option.
Both of these services are asymmetrical which means that the download speed is greater than the upload speed.
Typically the ADSL version offers speeds up to 18mbps download and up to 2mbps upload.
FTTC typically offers speeds of up to 80mbps download and 20mbps upload.

FTTP (Fibre to the premises)
The full fibre revolution is well underway and many of our customers can take advantage of this new full fibre broadband experience. These can be provided as either asymmetrical or symmetrical services with download speeds of up to 1000mbps (1Gig).
This speed increase can have a profound impact on your cloud services and overall performance of your team – getting things done faster and more efficiently.
Leased Lines (Managed Internet Access)
There are so many buzz words around these services including exotic terms such as SDWAN or MPLS. We’ll help you cut through all of these confusing terms and cut straight to the chase.
Leased Lines are full fibre circuits with dedicated and guaranteed speeds. The bandwidth and circuit is entirely yours, from your premises direct to the internet.
With speeds available up to 10,000mbps (10Gig) these are still the finest circuits available with the best speed, the best service level agreements and the best uptime guarantees. (typically 99.999%)
Speak with one of our advisors today and find out what you can achieve with a managed internet access circuit.